Token Info

Creation Date: 11/22/2023 Name: Bittex Symbol: Bix Total supply: 1,000,000,000 Network: BSC Kongrad Adress: 0x260Fc6ED544c6f7bb5c2823ca33c3CbCe49A43eD

  • Name (Bittex): The name "Bittex" serves as the unique identifier for this cryptocurrency. It is how users, investors, and the broader community recognize and refer to the digital asset. A distinctive and memorable name can contribute to the project's brand identity and overall success.

  • Symbol (Bix): The symbol "Bix" is a shorthand representation of the Bittex cryptocurrency. It is used in trading pairs, exchanges, and wallets to differentiate Bittex from other digital assets. The symbol is crucial for quick and unambiguous identification in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading.

  • Total Supply (1,000,000,000): The total supply of 1,000,000,000 Bix tokens indicates the maximum number of tokens in the Bittex ecosystem. Limited token supply can contribute to scarcity, potentially affecting the token's value. However, it's essential to consider how these tokens are distributed and whether mechanisms are in place to prevent concentration in a few hands.

  • Network (BSC (Binance Smart Chain)): Bittex operates on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The choice of blockchain network is crucial as it determines the underlying technology, transaction speed, and fees. BSC, known for its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine and lower transaction costs, has gained popularity among blockchain projects.

  • Kongrad Address: 0x260Fc6ED544c6f7bb5c2823ca33c3CbCe49A43eD: The Kongrad Address is a specific blockchain address associated with Bittex. In this case, the provided address (0x260Fc6ED544c6f7bb5c2823ca33c3CbCe49A43eD) is where Bittex transactions and holdings can be traced on the Binance Smart Chain. Users should exercise caution and verify the authenticity of such addresses before engaging in any transactions.

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